Sunday, March 1, 2015

Zombicide cont.

For PVP to work play the game like any other game of Zombicide with these rules.

The Rules

1. Use a custom character sheet. This vanilla character raises the level cap and adds a skill tree. I will provide details to these additional rules when the sheets are complete.
2. Respawn rule - Survivors do not die or turn into Zombivors, instead they respawn. This is how it works. Distinct spaces on the game board are numbered 1-12 depending on the size of the map. At the end of the Zombie Phase, all dead players roll a dice to determine where they spawn in the next round of turns.
3. Search cooldown - Each map will have designated "search zones." When someone activates a search zone, it cannot be searched until the next round of turns. Simply use the objective tokens to determine zones. Colored = searchable, Red = searched.
4. Every time a survivor dies they lose 1 exp. Likewise, when a survivor kills another survivor they gain 1 exp.
5. Weakest Link - Survivor with the lowest exp starts the turn.
6. Alpha - When determining zombie hits and two survivors are in the same zone, the player with the higher exp takes half the damage rounded up. So if 3 zombies were attacking two survivors. The player with the higher exp takes 2 damage and the other takes one.
7. Players can't build barricades.
8. Players don't start with weapons or the bullet proof vest.
9. Headshot - Rolling a 6 on an attack roll counts as an additional hit. Multiple 6's stack.
10. Each weapon has durability/ammo. (formula to be determined).

If you haven't played the game, here is a video of a regular playthough.

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