Sunday, March 22, 2015

Smash Up Game Variations

Today we will be talking about a game called Smash Up. It's a deck-building game where players shuffle together two decks of faction cards and fight for control of bases to earn victory points. The first to 15 points wins the game.

With the current rules for Smash Up, there isn't much interactivity between players, especially for those who are more experienced. So my game group play with some tweaked rules that allow for a more exciting pace.

1. Instead of having bases equal to "the number of players plus one," play with equal to "the number of players" or even equal to "the number of players minus one." For example, in a 4 player game play with 4 bases or 3. By having less bases we found that we were forced to play cards on bases other players were trying to get, instead of hiding in bases no one else wanted.

2. For experienced players, don't choose your factions. Instead, place all cards face down and take turns choosing decks. This makes it so players aren't choosing decks their comfortable with. They are forced to find the synergies between the cards they have.

Need a copy of the game?
Then support your local game store
or find it here.

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