Sunday, February 22, 2015

Zombicide: Pure PVP

Hey guys. This is a blog dedicated to gameplay variations of board games. And we will be starting with Zombicide. Zombicide is a cooperative miniature game that has players play the role of survivors in the zombie apocalypse. With Season 3 of the game making its way to our tables, I thought it would be fun to delve more into the games new "Competitive Mode." Competitive Mode adds the element of rival teams to the game. These rival teams are pitted against each other in unique "Competitive Missions." While these missions have been interesting, I felt they have not completely encapsulated a PVP environment. So, my playgroup and I have created some fun ways to make the game truly competitive. The games work just like any game of Zombicide, with a few exceptions. Here are just a few of the tweaks.

1. Use vanilla characters (I will provide a template later)
2. Players never die
3. Headshots

I will expand on these rules and others in later posts. We also created several game modes that players can choose to play. Here is an example of one.

Infection: A single player is chosen randomly to become the infector, the rest of the players are survivors. The infector (a zombie) only wins if all survivors are zombies. Survivors are only turned into zombies if killed by one. Survivors must survive. More on this game mode and others in later posts.

Need a copy of the game? Support your local game shop
or grab a copy here.